We take for it granted that we can fly from one side of the world to the other in a matter of hours but a century ago this amazing ability to race through the air had only just been discovered. What would the Wright brothers the pioneers of powered flight make of an age in which something like 100000 planes take to the sky each day in the US alone? They would be amazed of course, and delighted too. Thanks to their successful experiments with powered flight. the airplane is rightfully recognized as one of the greatest invention of all time. Let's take a closer look at how it work.


Aerodynamics is the name for the interplay of forces that drive an object through the air. If we look at a cross section of an aircraft wing, we can see that the upper edge is rounder on the lower edge. Let's have a look at two air practical. One passes over the wing's upper edge and the other goes past the lower edge. What we then see is that the air travelling around the upper edge has to travel a greater distance to get around the wing. In other words, the speed of the air around the upper edge is greater than the speed of the air around the upper edge is greater than that of the air travelling below the wing.
some of you may have learned about Bernoulli's theorem in physics at school. It stats that the faster a gas [in this case air] travels the lower pressure it exerts. That's exactly what's happening around an aircraft wing. The pressure against the wing's upper edge is considerably lower than the pressure against the lower edge.


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